& partnerships
GeT oUt of
and back into the dance
As competitors, we often think about technique, carriage, and storytelling as the most crucial parts of our dance. But what many don’t consider is the mental state you’re in as you enter competition day. It doesn’t necessarily matter if you’ve been nailing rehearsals and coaching sessions if your mind is stressed and anxious on the big day. That’s where my competitive mental preparation service comes in. I work with you to find the best pre-performance ritual that helps you stay grounded, get out of your head, and get your body back into the dance!

Get BaCk oN tHe sAmE paGe
“you can’t read your partner’s mind,
but I can get you the cliff notes
In the realm of creative business partnerships and dance collaborations, a coach becomes the glue that fosters a healthy working relationship and seamless communication. Navigating the intricacies of partnership dynamics can be challenging, but with a coach* in the mix, couples find a valuable ally. A coach* acts as a guide, ensuring that both partners remain on the same page and that communication flows effortlessly. This not only enhances the overall synergy but significantly increases the likelihood of partnerships enduring the challenges and staying strong enough to realize their shared goals. With the support of my specific “partnership coaching*, couples can navigate the dance of collaboration with harmony, ensuring that their journey toward success is not only productive but also filled with shared understanding and mutual growth.